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Christmas 2020

So, Christmas Eve has come, and most of us in the UK will spend it at home, under the restrictions of tier 4. It has been a difficult year, and not having the opportunity to take a breath from all this situation during the holiday season is a blow not many of us were ready to receive. My invitation, then, is to try to use this time to recharge, to reflect and, most importantly, to reconnect.

Call those close to you who are not going to be by your side during Christmas Eve as they use to every year, but also call those with whom you haven’t talked in ages. Checking on old friends and acquitances can do a lot of good for them and yourself. Also, use these quiet times in which you don’t have to plan any travelling or vacation stays to remember those things important to you that have drifted away with time, that music you used to love but have not listened to in years, and so on. This Christmas is a weird one, but we can make it peaceful and healing by focusing in the good things, keeping our hopes up and trusting tomorrow.

That said, happy Christmas, and please, stay safe!

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