A Change In My Education Projects

The last two years have been key in the growth of my projects to empower emerging musicians, particularly women, with the aim to help them make their path in the music industry. I went from having Cafemnee, a small group who met in Birmingham venues every few months for workshops, to have a podcast, a series of e-learning courses, and an online community with weekly activity and no geographical barriers, called Time For My Music.

I have had the opportunity to see women get their first gigs, record their first songs, and achieve those dreams they kept in their heart for many years. It has been great and I would not have it any other way.

To keep growing and improving, I have decided to fuse Cafemnee with Time For My Music. With this, I expect to strengthen the network of Time For My Music with the tradition and long-lasting sisterhood nurtured in Cafemnee, while reaching new horizons and using new formats.

If you are a woman in music and you would like to join Time For My Music, keep an eye on the community’s website for when the next call for registration opens at the beginning of 2022. In the meantime, you can check the free resources of Success Beyond The Score to start getting an idea of what the group does.

Now, for those of you who are not musicians but enjoy listening to new sounds and the voices of those who traditionally have been marginalised from the music scene, you can consider a donation to help me keep these projects going. Every pence counts! You can learn more about what I do with donations and contribute if you can, by clicking the button below.

Thank you for your support so far!

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